January Member Events
January member events for Being A Writer. Creating a community of happier, healthier writers.
Industry Day
Our in person industry day for TLC mentees
Self Editing Fiction
TLC’s 6-week self editing fiction course for writers
How to Improve your Writing Skills
Transform your creative practice using these powerful coaching insights
Creativity 150
Join the writing community with a difference
Post Feedback Workshop
Learn how to implement professional edits.
TLC Launches Write Club Plus: Amplify
Join TLC’s unique advanced group coaching programme
Writers’ Cafe
Writers’ Cafe is a space where writers can come together and instead of writing, or giving peer feedback, we instead talk about our writing lives
January Member Events
January member events for Being A Writer. Creating a community of happier, healthier writers.
Writers’ Cafe
Writers’ Cafe is a space where writers can come together to talk about our writing lives.
Abourachid Named TLC Pen Factor Winner 2023
The winner of the 2023 TLC Pen Factor Prize has been announced as Ptissem Abourachid
The Tricky Question of Genre
Emily Brontë never worried whether Wuthering Heights fell into New Adult or Adult, Jane Austen didn’t lose sleep about whether her tone was too literary for her target market. So, […]