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The Literary Consultancy is excited to be working on an innovative showcase for its writing talent, initially in association with Staple Magazine. See TLC Showcase Introduction for more on the inception of the Showcase and please see below for where it is now.

Once a month we will highlight the work of one author whose work we believe deserves a platform, whether simply because our readers felt it worth championing, or whether we have helped the writer on to commercial publication.

If you enjoy reading our Showcase, please feel free to share, and let us know on Facebook or on Twitter.

Megan Davis

“The security guard grasped the dog’s lead and prepared for another sweep of the property. It was 5 a.m., the sky a wash of pale blue although the sun had not yet risen above the hills. In another hour his shift would be finished and Milos would head home to his apartment in Ventimiglia, a town just over the Italian border and part of the coastal sprawl that stretched from Marseille to Messina. He took a drag of his cigarette and the smoke stung his throat, a bracing hit against the pure morning air. He whistled softly to the dog, then began his circuit, clockwise this time around the perimeter.” From ‘Bay of Thieves’ – included in the showcase

“My first novel The Messenger won The Bridport Prize in 2018 and secured a Chapter and Verse mentorship from The Literary Consultancy. I could not have finished the first draft of my novel so quickly if it wasn’t for Anna [South]’s support and her input made it a vastly better book.” From the Introduction

Previous Showcase Authors

Daniel Pembery – TLC Showcase author

Daniel Pembrey

“The glade was peculiarly dense around Vogel’s ungated entranceway. Pine, maple, and scrub oak fought for sky. The canopy of the driveway almost totally shut out the light. Only after

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Amna Boheim – TLC Showcase author

Amna Boheim

“I lay in darkness, unsure of what had stirred me. Sleep still clung to my body, but I was conscious of my whereabouts. Moonlight spilled through the gap in the

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Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch – TLC showcase author

Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch

“Tristan did not consider himself brave. But then he did not consider himself a coward either. He knew he should have told his parents of his plan but they were

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Stephen Chance

“This period he can picture. If he saunters down to the Thames after his mid-day meal he will see this scene: merchants’ houses, wharves, the unloading of ships. But…the scale,

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David Spon-Smith – TLC Showcase author

David Spon-Smith

“A cold breeze blows over my face. Then something warm an’ wet, stinking of damp hair. I open my eyes, slowly, one at a time. Focus. “Ugghh!” I shouts, “gits

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Ann Bone – TLC Showcase author

Ann Bone

“The back of the house beyond has already sunk into obscurity. I do not need to see it to picture it. Where this house is stucco, that one is red

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TLC Showcase author – Rosanne Daryl Thomas

Rosanne Daryl Thomas

“The annual Christmas present debate was abruptly suspended. Their adored maestro, Walter Albero, PhD, who had originally set out in life intending to be a botanist, could be heard wheeling

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Balvinder Banga – TLC Showcase author

Balvinder Banga

“Looking at the calendar of Ravidas, and the photograph beside it of the grandchildren she had yet to meet, she raised the package like a chalice to her wrinkled forehead.

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Piers Bearne – TLC Showcase author

Piers Bearne

“I should have been in London, not this Essex midden swirling with pigeon-chest men and their gossiping dry-venus wives. I was no fighter, could not read nor write; but by

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Tina Seskis - TLC Showcase author

Tina Seskis

“In the end they settled on Caroline Rebecca, although Frances didn’t particularly like either name – but Andrew had suggested them, and anyway she couldn’t face thinking of any others. 

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Neamat Imam – TLC Showcase author

Neamat Imam

Mass graves were discovered in different parts of the country. The buried were exhumed and reburied. Roads were cleansed. Walls were washed to make room for new graffiti. Pakistani tanks,

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Damien Brown – TLC Showcase author

Damien Brown

“So I shrug. Again. No idea what to say. No idea even what to think, which has been exactly the problem since I arrived: I don’t even have to walk

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Julia Ross – TLC Showcase author

Julia Ross

“I remember tiny pin-points of calm when I looked into his eyes. There are moments of unendurable love amid all the blackness. My mother said I was exhausted. The health

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Sarah Butler – TLC Showcase author

Sarah Butler

“Time will catch up with you, she tells me – by which she means I should get on and have kids before my ovaries dry up. You did the right

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Pete Smith – TLC Showcase author

Pete Smith

“I was born south of the river in Brixton in the 1950s, well-before it was mockneyfied by the arriveste sons and daughters of Britain’s white middle class in their holy

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Philip Makatrewicz – TLC Showcase author

Philip Makatrewicz

“Ibimina’s husband has come once again to call. He must want something – a toad does not run in the daytime for nothing.” Extract from ‘Ibimina’ – included in the

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Ruby Cowling – TLC Showcase author

Ruby Cowling

“Behind these fences are big houses; the houses of plump-skinned people who soften their problems by bathing them in money. You are half the height of their garden gates. A

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Adam Courtenay – TLC Showcase author

Adam Courtenay

“In 1542, Spanish conquistadors travelled east from the Peruvian colony of Quito, over the high range of its active volcanoes, across its high passes and wild stony uplands to seek

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San Cassimally – TLC Showcase author

San Cassimally

“I experimented with two pebbles in my mouth to puff my cheeks up a tad, but gave up on the idea suspecting that to an observant eye such as his

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Nicholas Lim – TLC Showcase author

Nicholas Lim

Dudec nodded. He fluttered a hand. “This could be something new!” “Rafal, when you hear hoof beats,” Garrett held up her knife like a warning finger, “Think horses before zebras.”

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