Being a Writer Festival Tickets

June 20th – July 21st, online

How to Be A Writer… and Thrive

The Being A Writer Festival has now ended, but you can still buy a Digital Ticket for on demand access to all Festival session recordings* until 21st August 2022.

Digital Tickets include watch-back access to:

How to Be a Writer with Nikesh Shukla

Cultivate a Creative Mindset with Dawn Estefan

Confessions of a Debut Author with Chloe Timms, Aneesa Marufu, Saara El-Arifi, and Laura Price

Publishing (Room) 101 with Katie Packer, Katie Espiner, Kemi Ogunsanwo, Akua Boateng and Rachael Jones

Joyful Environmentalism
with Isabel Losada

Creativity Incubator
with Khairani Barokka

The Reading Nook
with Octavia Bright, Gemma Jolly, Joshua Seigal and Habiba Desai 

TLC Pen Factor Live Pitch with Rhea Kurien, Jamie Cowen, and Rachel Yeoh

*Please note that Masterclasses are not included in the Video Ticket.

For access to on demand video recordings of all Festival Sessions, available to watch as many times as you like until August 21st.