Writers’ journey wizard

The Literary Consultancy have so much to offer to writers at all stages. We have designed a Writers’ Journey Wizard to help you figure out where you are on your writing journey, and what we can offer.

Exploring ideas/planning

  • You are in the early stages of a writing project
  • You have a plan, an outline, or perhaps simply a notebook full of ideas. You might have a few scenes written, or you might just be trying things out. You may be a complete beginner, or a seasoned writer starting something new
  • We can offer support and inspiration suited to you at this early stage of the process. You may wish to have a look at our Writers’ Corner which has lots of resources, tips, and practical support including our craft and creativity mini guides, or to come to one of our literary events or workshops 

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Writing a book

  • You are working on your first draft, starting to piece the narrative elements together for your novel, non-fiction book, poetry, short story collection, or script 
  • You have a work in progress, and a good sense of your own creative vision, but you feel you need help to keep the momentum going, or a steer in the right direction, as well as general support to develop the writing further
  • We can help you get a sense of the work and its narrative (craft) elements. You might want to start with a short extract read. If you feel you would like some more intensive one-to-one support, you may wish to consider our 12-month mentoring programme, Chapter and Verse

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Finishing a book

  • You are almost at the finishing line with a writing project, but you are working closely to it and can’t quite see the wood for the trees 
  • You have been self-editing as you go, perhaps attended some workshops, and feel generally like you’re on track
  • We can match you with a reader in your genre and format to cast an expert eye over the work and make sure it’s all hanging together, and is appropriate to your target readership

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Finished a book

  • You are finished! You have a draft, perhaps a first, perhaps a fifth or even a tenth. It might not be perfect, but it’s done
  • You have been working on this for a while but feel you need a professional opinion on the writing. You might have an idea about whether you are at this stage looking to submit to a literary agent, a small press, or to self-publish, or you may be open to exploring your options
  • We can match you with an editor with the right expertise for you at this stage of your writing journey. That might be an industry specialist who can give honest feedback through the lens of the commercial viability of the project, or a sympathetic but thorough reader who can help you iron out the final kinks

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