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Journeys to Publication: Two Case Studies

Traditionally, writers have come to TLC for assessments with a view to sending their work to agents. Now, however, we are seeing increasing numbers of writers who either come to […]

TLC Client Sarah Armstrong Secures Book Deal

All families have secrets, but Bernadette’s are more dangerous than most. On holiday in Northern Ireland in 1982, she and her older sister discover their family is involved with disappearances […]

TLC Launches Quality Writing For All Campaign

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The Literary Consultancy is delighted to announce that we are among the 9% of National Portfolio Organisations to have been granted an uplift in funding from Arts Council England for the […]

New Gill Farrer-Halls Book Published by Singing Dragon

Singing Dragon JKP

Gill Farrer-Halls, author of The Aromatherapy Bible and TLC’s resident MBS assessor, has a new book forthcoming with Jessica Kingsley Publishing’s complementary and alternative health imprint, Singing Dragon. Drawing on her extensive experience […]

Writing in a Digital Age

Our Writing in a Digital Age Literary Conference ran over the weekend of 13-15 June, and was a huge success as the catalyst for a great deal of buzz, learning, […]

Unthank Books Launch TLC Writer and Unthology No.5

Independent press Unthank Books are this summer enjoying a double-release; the fifth installation of their celebrated short story series Unthology (already pre-release reviewed as ‘flawless’), and the debut novel of […]

Heather Reyes Published by Oxygen Books

We are delighted that Heather Reyes, who came to TLC with a draft of her first book Zade (‘a tender, profound, playful novel. Refreshingly experimental, and a delicious hymn to […]

Heinemann Acquires New Jonathan Lee Book

It has just been announced that William Heinemann has bought the rights to TLC editor Jonathan Lee’s new novel, Brighton Heights. North American rights were additionally sold to Diana Tejerina Miller at […]