
Tia Williams

“Feet first. I supposed that would be the way to do it, the way that made the most sense. I could visualise myself curling my fingers around the handle of the bookshop’s door, pulling down and pushing out, stepping inside and feeling the familiar roughness of the mat beneath my feet. I’d done it countless times before – the steps were etched somewhere on my memory – I just couldn’t imagine getting myself there, making the journey between one door and the other.”

From ‘Spun from Stars’ – included in the showcase

“I’d heard about the fantastic services offered by The Literary Consultancy before I decided to apply for the Rowan Hisayo Buchanan competition, and was inspired by the fact that the opportunity was aimed at writers with manuscripts in progress. […] Writing can be such a solitary and personal discipline that it is often difficult to expect others to react positively to your work, so I was overjoyed when I heard that I’d been selected as the winner! I am 23, and to be given such a wonderful opportunity so early in my career is brilliant motivation. As an unpublished writer, publication can often feel like an unattainable pipe dream, and it is recognition such as this that provides much needed encouragement.”