
Kelleigh Greenberg-Jephcott

“Truman wills himself awake, peacock-plume eyed, empty champagne bottle in his lap.  He squints toward the open door, where the chauffeur stands with the sun at his back, features obscured, surrounded by a halo of light.

“Mr. Angel-otti…  Have we reached the City of Your Kind?”

“Welcome to Los Angeles, Mr. Capote.”

“Give me your arm, dear angel boy, and help me to fly.”

Extract from ‘Swan Song’ – included in the showcase

“I could not be more delighted that Swan Song has won the Bridport Prize Peggy Chapman-Andrews Award for a first Novel. That the Bridport Prize comittee and TLC recognized and rewarded the unique‘voice’ of the work is the greatest of compliments. I am looking forward to my collaboration with The Literary Consultancy in the coming months. They took great care in selecting a mentor with an appreciation of Truman Capote— whose prose and psychology are so vital to my narrative— thus facilitating a common ‘leaping off’ point. The specificity involved in the TLC process from the outset has been immensely rewarding.”