
Elizabeth Lee

“Screaming, a sound to stop the heart and freeze the blood. Someone was in trouble. Daniel ran, afraid of what he would find but determined to save the poor creature that suffered so.

            The noise came towards him at full pelt, inside a tiny frame, all flying limbs and flapping hair. She crashed into him with surprising force and strength, knocking him to the ground. He caught the creature, held on though it was like trying to grasp an eel.”

From ‘Cunning Women’– included in the showcase

“I made some progress submitting the novel to agents, with a number asking to see the full manuscript, but was always rejected at this point. Receiving a TLC Free Read awarded by Writing West Midlands in 2018 made all the difference – the editorial advice was generous, detailed and insightful. I still use some of the advice I was given when writing now.” From the Introduction