
Daniel Pembrey

“The glade was peculiarly dense around Vogel’s ungated entranceway. Pine, maple, and scrub oak fought for sky. The canopy of the driveway almost totally shut out the light. Only after a hundred yards or so did it open out, into bright meadowland. The sun was beginning to burn through the marine layer above, gently illuminating the yellow-white asters and mauve lupins dotted about. At the far end, trees pincered in around a group of wooden buildings. Beyond winked ocean.”

Extract from ‘The Woman Who Stopped Traffic’ – included in the showcase

“I first approached The Literary Consultancy while writing a personal travelogue following the footsteps of D.H. Lawrence through the Americas … I was immediately struck by the integrity and professionalism of Rebecca Swift and team. The editorial assessment that followed set me on my path to professional writing.”