
Amanda Epe

“Mama Coleman soothed Bessie’s sore feet, massaging them from the four-mile daily walk to school and back. It was a Friday evening and the miles had accumulated. The relaxing massage allowed her mind to wander. She loved to dream. If only I could fly and give my poor feet a break. They need a rest from the walking, she had thought. Most children would have missed a day or two but not Bessie Coleman. Bessie loved learning and she exceled in everything she was taught. She mastered all her subjects and was ahead in her mathematics lessons.”

From ‘Fly Girls’ – included in the showcase

“FLY GIRLS a children’s book is part of the FLY titles, aviation and adventure collections for young people and young adults. The book shares stories of three biographies of fearless females from the African diaspora in the USA and UK who had challenging circumstances including grief; economic deprivation and exclusion yet surmounted these circumstances to attain their dreams with missions to empower others in their community. I’ve always wanted to write for children and these aviation pioneers gave me worthy stories to be told and celebrated, particularly as there is a lack of black characters in fiction, and historical non-fiction in children’s books. I think it’s important also for girls to see role models away from the mainstream images presented, encouraging them into STEM subjects as well as to be active, adventurous and have aspirations.” From the Introduction