10th December 2010 Into the Mystic – The Extraordinary Life & Poetry of WB Yeats If you liked last year’s candle lit atmosphere at our Keats’ evening, join us
Director of TLC panel member in “How to Get Published” Masterclass at London Book Fair Together with Johnny Geller (Curtis Brown), Alexandra Pringle (Bloomsbury), Claire Morrall (author, Astonishing Splashes
TLC provided one-to-one sessions and Rebecca Swift participated in a panel, with Alison Baverstock among others, where they discussed the current trends in publishing. 2010
“Miranda Millar effectively conveys the unexpected wonder of Waitrose…” Alfred Hickling, The Guardian Time travel, Bedlam and the mad Victorian painter, Richard Dadd. London, 1854: Nina, the wife of
As part of a series of interviews, Ink Sweat & Tears Webzine talks to practicing writers about their process and craft. The Webzine discusses the writing life with Sarah
Free tickets up for grabs for the FLOW festival! by Writers, Artists and Insiders Rebecca Swift is co-founder of The Literary Consultancy (TLC), which offers help to writers in
These days, the task of first sifter generally goes to agents – but even they are feeling overwhelmed. Curtis Brown proclaims on its website, as a point
Rodge Glass Presents A New Graphic Novel and Scottish Short Stories From Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill, the book that’s causing a stir in Scotland. The Scottish
Journalist Liz Bury investigates the growing popularity of self-publishing The London Book Fair Did you know that Apple has just made it easier to self-publish to the iBook store?
The Freelance is the bulletin of London Freelance Branch of the National Union of Journalists. Rebecca Swift of The Literary Consultancy gave advice for an article titled “Get that
Rebecca Swift’s article on how to write a synopsis originally appeared in the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook, 2009. Writing a synopsis The dictionary definition of ‘synopsis’ (derived from the