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Vision Boarding for Writers

January 23 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Vision Boarding for Writers

Following the huge success of our 2024 vision boarding webinar, we are bringing the session back for 2025! In this one hour session, we take you through a series of simple yet effective vision boarding exercises to help you set clear goals for yourself and your writing in 2025 in a creative way. We look at Goals, Themes, and Self Reflection, and ask a series of powerful questions to help you think more creatively about how to make tangible progress as a writer. By the end of this session, you will have the draft outline for a vision board that works.

Come along and find renewed energy, reconnect with your vision for your writing, and map out your year of writing to stay on track and achieve your writing goals in 2025. And most importantly, have fun with it!

Materials: Please bring a large piece of paper and pens, or similar writing material that works for you. Additional materials (found images that inspire you, photographs, collage, coloured pens or other art materials) welcome but not mandatory.

Accessibility: This session will be hosted as a Zoom Webinar. A stable internet connection is recommended. You will not be visible to others during this session but are encouraged to use the Chat to participate. Automated captions will be provided and a watch-back recording will be sent to you after the session.

What if I attended in 2024, will I still get something out of it? We have updated our materials so while the general format remains the same, you can still come along and find new prompts and questions to help you set your writing goals for 2025.


Please RSVP using the button below. This webinar is free to attend. Please book one ticket per person and enter your full name and email address. By booking, you are agreeing to be added to TLC’s mailing list so that we can email you about this event and about our other offers for writers. You may unsubscribe at any time. We do not share your details with any third parties. You can access our privacy policy here.

*Booking is now closed*


0203 751 0757 (please dial extension 800)

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