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July Member Events

July 1, 2024 @ 8:00 am July 31, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Welcome to our July members-only events, for members of TLC’s platform, Being A Writer. Being A Writer has been running since 2020 and offers writers a safe space to be creative, and to find support. The aim of Being A Writer is to create a community of happier, healthier writers: our focus is on helping writers to cultivate creativity, and boost wellbeing and resilience. All Being A Writer events are co-created, meaning that we programme in direct response to our members’ feedback and needs.

In July our focus is on MOMENTUM: how to keep writers writing.

Not yet a member? Sign up for a free 30-day trial today and join the writing community with a difference.

All times below are UK, but we welcome members from all over the world and have included a variety of times to help accommodate for different time zones. All workshops will be available to watch back.

July Member Events

1st 12pm-1pm Mindful Goal Setting with Louise Tondeur, a monthly session to help us achieve our writing goals, holistically

4th 7-8pm Write Club Flash, a one-hour co-writing space hosted by Chloe Timms

8th 11am-1pm Post Feedback Workshop, implement professional edits to move forwards with confidence, using our REVISE model (2 free places reserved for members, RRP £50+VAT)

11th 7-8pm Write Club Flash, a one-hour co-writing space hosted by Chloe Timms

17th 9am-3pm Lightbulb Coachingfree 30-minute one to one coaching slots for our members to help trouble-shoot and address blocks. Sign-up will open one month before. MORE SESSIONS ADDED DUE TO DEMAND

18th 7-8pm Write Club Flash, a one-hour co-writing space hosted by Chloe Timms

23rd Synopsis Surgery, write a 500-word synopsis for your book in one hour, with Joe Sedgwick

25th 12pm-1pm Writers’ Cafe, our one-hour lunchtime space for writers to gather and talk about what’s going on in our writing lives

28th 10am-12.30pm Write Club, our popular monthly 2.5 hour digital co-writing session. Turn up for yourself, and for your writing

Free for members

0203 751 0757 (please dial extension 800)

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