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TLC Free Reads Rules & Guidelines

  • TLC Free Reads are granted to low-income* high quality writers resident in England.
  • The TLC Free Reads Scheme is free to writers; no fee will be charged at any time.
  • Applicants cannot apply for a Free Read two consecutive years in a row.
  • Applicants cannot apply to more than one organisation for a Free Read within the same year.
  • Applicants cannot work for the regional writing organisation they apply through.
  • All TLC Free Reads are subject to TLC’s Service Terms & Conditions. TLC reserves the right to refuse to work, or cease to work, with any writer who breaches these terms.
  • TLC reserves the right to refuse any material which is deemed unlikely to benefit from the Free Reads service, or if we cannot find a suitable TLC Editor for your work. If your work is not accepted, it will be returned within 30 days.
  • We accept only single authored work.
  • We accept only writing in English.
  • The applicant should not be part of a creative writing programme or longer writing course at the time of submission.
  • Applicants must be over 16.
  • Please do not submit your work directly to TLC for a Free Read unless otherwise prompted to do so.
  • TLC Free Reads are provided subject to funding from Arts Council England.

*A definition of ‘low-income’ can be found on the Free Reads FAQs page here.

See also:
How to Apply
Free Reads FAQs
TLC’s Privacy Policy
Back to TLC Free Reads Scheme page.