Michael Langan is a writer, editor and teacher. He has facilitated writing workshops for over 20 years and was Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader of Creative Writing at the University of Greenwich from 2002-20012. In 2005 he was awarded a PhD in Contemporary Writing from Liverpool John Moores University. He now teaches on a freelance basis via a number of organisations, including the LGBTQIA+ writers network, Out on the Page, and Escrever Escrever, a writing school in Lisbon, where he currently lives. For a number of years, Michael has jointly co-ordinated TLC’s LGBTQ+ Free Reads Scheme as offered during Pride month. He gives partial manuscript assessments to those selected and the scheme has gone from strength to strength since its inception. Michael’s first novel, Shadow is a Colour as Light is, was published by LUME Books in 2019 and he is currently working on his second.

For TLC Michael reads historical fiction, literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction memoir