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June Member Events

June 1, 2024 @ 8:00 am June 30, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Welcome to our June members-only events, for members of TLC’s platform, Being A Writer. Being A Writer has been running since 2020 and offers writers a safe space to be creative, and to find support. The aim of Being A Writer is to create a community of happier, healthier writers: our focus is on helping writers to cultivate creativity, and boost wellbeing and resilience. All Being A Writer events are co-created, meaning that we programme in direct response to our members’ feedback and needs.

Not yet a member? Sign up for a free 30-day trial today and join the writing community with a difference.

All times below are UK, but we welcome members from all over the world and have included a variety of times to help accommodate for different time zones. All workshops will be available to watch back.

June Member Events

3rd 12pm-1pm Mindful Goal Setting with Louise Tondeur, a monthly session to help us achieve our writing goals, holistically

6th 7-8pm Write Club Flash, a one-hour co-writing space hosted by Chloe Timms

11th 7pm-8.30pm Writing with Energy Limits with Roshni Beeharry. What happens when our own inner resources are affected by illness, disability, neurodivergence, or just plain burnout? How can we manage them to make sure that when we do get time to write, we can give it our fullest attention? Come and find out in this session, with medical educator and Writing for Wellbeing & Personal Development facilitator Roshni Beeharry

13th 9am-12pm Lightbulb Coaching, free 30-minute one to one coaching slots for our members to help trouble-shoot and address blocks. Sign-up opens one month before each session

13th 7-8pm Write Club Flash, a one-hour co-writing space hosted by Chloe Timms

25th 7-8.00pm How to Make a Living as a Writer with Katie Hale How do you support yourself as a writer? How does (and how can) poetry pay the bills, or fiction keep the wolf from the door? Every year, writer Katie Hale has published an illuminating blog post about exactly that. In this session she draws from her generous data and shows us not only exactly where her own income has come from, but shares some hard-won learnings to help you weigh up exactly what ‘making a living as a writer’ might look like for you.

27th 12pm-1pm Writers’ Cafe, our one-hour lunchtime space for writers to gather and talk about what’s going on in our writing lives

30th 10am-12.30pm Write Club, our popular monthly 2.5 hour digital co-writing session. Turn up for yourself, and for your writing

0203 751 0757 (please dial extension 800)

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