TLC Launches Write Club Plus: Amplify

Write Club Plus: Amplify, a 12-week advanced group coaching programme

Write Club Plus: Amplify

Our 3-month advanced group coaching programme for writers

What has really shifted for me being part of Write Club Plus has been replacing the chastising inner voice, inviting in other, lovelier voices. Julia’s. Aki’s. My co-writers’. And myself. My own enjoyment. It has been such a fabulous permission to feel joy.” 2023 Alumnus

After completing the Amplify course this summer, I just wanted to share the news that I have now been signed by a major literary agent. I’m both excited and terrified about the journey but I know that building my confidence, focus and resilience during the course definitely played a part in getting me to this stage.” 2024 Alumnus

Since 2022, TLC has been hosting 12-month creative incubators called Write Club Plus. In 2023, 53 writers signed up to work through a year of writing together. We have used our learnings and feedback from running this programme for the last two years to recalibrate, and are delighted to launch a new programme, an intensive advanced level group coaching programme called Amplify.

What is Write Club Plus Amplify?

Write Club Plus: Amplify is a 3 month group coaching programme for a small cohort of writers. Come together with like-minded writers working seriously towards individual writing goals, who want to make tangible progress with their writing with the support of their peers.


Length: 12 weeks
Location: Online
Level: Intermediate to advanced*
Tutor: Julia Forster
Places: 15 places maximum

*This is a group coaching programme and is best suited to committed writers who already have a solid grasp of basic elements of craft. You may be published already, or intending to submit a manuscript to agents/publishers within the next 12 months.

Being A Writer Members can access this programme at a reduced rate.

Not yet a member of Being A Writer? Find out more here

What’s included

  • Biweekly live group sessions (x7 in total)
  • A comprehensive goal-setting framework
  • 12-week Roadmap with weekly prompts and exercises
  • Video and text resources for non-live weeks
  • A private digital space for peer support, sharing of work, and accountability
  • 1x 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with Julia at any time during the programme, to help you focus and take clear steps forwards
  • Bonus: Entry to all Being A Writer co-writing sessions on a drop in basis (2.5 hours once a month plus weekly one-hour evening sessions
  • Bonus: A suite of bespoke digital resources created especially for you
  • Bonus for Non Members: Automatic 1-year membership to the Being A Writer programme alongside your Write Club Plus membership, for sessions on writing craft, wellbeing, and industry


Tickets are available here. A limited number of earlybird tickets are available now at a reduced rate. If you are a member, please log in to your Being A Writer account before navigating to the booking page. This way, your member tickets will become available to you.


Format: Zoom and Circle. A stable internet connection is recommended. Video participation is encouraged. Sessions will run 7.00-8.30pm online on a biweekly basis beginning March 27th.

Captions: Automated ( Live Transcript available 

Materials: Materials can be made available in advance or after the session on request. Any shared screens will be audio-described by the tutor. No flashing images will be used at any time

Bursaries: 1x 100% bursary available, 1x 50% bursary available. Please apply with a short covering letter telling us why you are applying to  with the subject header ‘Bursary [100% OR 50%], Write Club Plus Amplify; by no later than 9am February 12th.

Other: We invite any access requirements not covered here to be sent to us at least 10 working days clear of the start date by email to 

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