What makes a writer? What helps them to create ideas? How are they motivated to keep writing? What are the main barriers they face? Are writers likely to have been keen readers in their childhood? What satisfactions come from writing? TLC is collaborating with Kingston University and University College London and several other writing organisations to research these and other questions in a project entitled ‘What makes a writer?’.
To date there has been a lot of research into the processes, benefits and barriers associated with reading, but very little into those connected with writing. We believe therefore that the findings from this research will be of significant interest to you as a writer, to us as an organisation, to the wider creative economy and to the education and health sectors. The findings will be available to us and it is planned that they will be shared via the press and academic journals, and also presented at a conference for writers.
If you are a writer, through the month of November 2017 you can take the survey by clicking here
The key building block of this research is a survey of writers and we would be very grateful if you would participate. The questionnaire is made up of 44 questions which we estimate will take 20-25 minutes to complete, but we hope you will find it interesting and thought provoking. In all cases there is no right or wrong answer; the researchers are interested in your attitudes and perceptions. If you feel a question does not apply to you please just miss it out and move on to the next one.
We would also like you to know that:
- The survey is entirely voluntary (and there are no compulsory questions)
- It is anonymous and all results are confidential
- No information will be kept on whether those approached do or do not take part
- You can drop out at any time
- If you have questions about the research or the process please contact Associate Professor Alison Baverstock
Thank you very much for your assistance with this – and we hope that you will be interested in the findings, which will be disseminated in 2018 in a range of ways by Kingston University, University College London and partners.