Personalised TLC Christmas Vouchers

Christmas gift vouchers

TLC Christmas gift vouchers are now available, redeemable against manuscript assessment across all genres and formats, and mentoring for fiction, non-fiction, short stories and poetry. Gift vouchers can be purchased in multiples of £25, £50 or £100, or tailored to the cost of an assessment for a specific book project.

Some ideas:

For the Budding Writer: Gift a critical assessment of the first 15,000 words of their novel-in-progress (£195)
For the Intermediate Writer: Gift a full manuscript assessment (from £350)
For the Writer with a Project: Help them realise their dream by gifting, or putting money towards, a TLC mentorship to help get their book to completion working one-to-one with a professional editor, with the chance to meet agents & publishers (£1,950 + VAT, 12-18 month programme)

We can post the voucher directly to the recipient on your behalf First Class, along with a personalised message. Gift vouchers make the perfect gift for the serious writer in your life, to help them on their way to realising their book project, whether by getting honest, professional feedback on an opening extract or a full text, or by helping them on their way to a sustained one-on-one distance learning mentorship that allows them to develop and hone their skills with a dedicated mentor, and access to an industry day here at TLC with an agent and editor. We can process manuscript assessments of fiction, non-fiction, short story, poetry, scripts and screenplays.

Vouchers will be available until December 20th to ensure a Christmas delivery, by contacting us directly. Please email or call 020 7324 2563.

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