Pen Factor Finalist Releases Ebook

After being shortlisted for the Pen Factor Writing Prize at TLC’s 2013 Literary Conference, writer Simon Webb, whose book Running Blind is based on his experiences as a blind marathon runner, decided to take the necessary steps to self-publish his book. He attended two self-publishing workshops run by TLC, and enlisted the help of an editor and cover designer, as well as setting up his own website. His book is now available to buy in ebook format on Kindle.  

Simon Webb Pen FactorOf his experience with TLC, Simon said:

“As a writer working on my first book I found the support and guidance of The Literary Consultancy invaluable. I decided to follow the self publishing route and, whilst I might have learnt some of what I know from my own research, I can say for certain that everything I do know about the world of publishing has either come directly from TLC or via connections and contacts I’ve made through them. I’m due to publish my first book within the next month and feel much more confident of seeing success from this as a result of mentoring, workshops, one-to-one guidance and resources I’ve discovered from TLC.”

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