Engaging the Reader: A Glimpse from the Latest TLC Adventures

Ferreirola from distanceThe TLC Literary Adventures 6th-12th October offered blue skies, fabulous Spanish catering and of course a week of tutoring (and hard work) with writing tutor Jacob Ross.

TLC adventurer John Starkie writes, ‘I took away a much clearer understanding of both short story and novel form and a far better grasp of technique in how to engage readers with my storytelling. This was a really affirmative experience; I arrived with a lot of self-doubt, I left brimful of self-confidence. Thank you’.

We’ve chosen to exhibit the writing from one of our adventurers for our November showcase. Don’t miss this touching short story by TLC adventurer Ruby Cowling.  Click here to go to the showcase.

If you would like to learn more about our writing holiday, check out the TLC Adventures YouTube video, which offers just a glimpse of the inspirational location. We are currently looking to set a date for the next adventure. Sign up for our newsletter to receive more information about our Literary Adventures holiday in 2013.

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