Quercus Books, famously known for starting the Scandinavian thriller trend by publishing the Stieg Larsson series, recently published TLC client Max Kinnings‘ Baptism. The book is a thriller that tells the story of a terrorist hijacking of the London Underground by Christian fundamentalists .
Max first heard about TLC in 1997, when a friend passed him a leaflet about TLC’s services. His first novel, Hitman, was assessed by TLC and Rebecca Swift was able to place the novel with Literary Agent Annette Green, who managed to interest a couple of publishers in the book, among them Hodder & Stoughton, who bought a two book deal.
Baptism is Max’s third novel and the sequel to it will be published in 2013. Max writes about TLC, “I have always been extremely grateful for the service that TLC provided which basically opened the door for me to become a professional writer.” Today, Max lectures in Creative Writing at Brunel University in London.
TLC is delighted about Max’s recent publication. The book is also available as an ebook. Click here to check out the opening pages.