TLC Mentee’s New Novel Acquired by Bloomsbury

Bloomsbury PublishingSuzanne Joinson, a former mentee who came to TLC through the Arts Council and  Writers’ Centre Norwich, agented by Rachel Calder, has recently been at the heart of an exciting five-way auction for her new novel A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgari.  Bloomsbury, which has bought world rights to the novel, will publish the novel in the UK, US, Germany and Australia in summer 2012.

The novel, written after she finished the TLC mentoring programme, tells the story of two sisters who travel to Kashgar in 1923 to set up a Christian mission, paralleled by the present-day story of a woman who returns to London after a long trip and finds a man sleeping outside her front door.

In the Bookseller article editorial director Helen Garnons-Williams says: “In Suzanne’s Joinson’s extraordinary novel, we have found the perfect book and the perfect author for Bloomsbury. This beautifully written and utterly captivating novel, with its characters who are all searching and fleeing and discovering and connected to each other in ways that they do not, at first understand—explores ideas of history and religion, inheritance and belonging with delicacy and empathy. We are thrilled to be publishing it.”

Click here to read the full story in The Bookseller.  We are delighted on Suzanne’s behalf and wish her all the best of luck with her novel.

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